Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My first post

Welcome to my Blog! This will be the way I will be communicating with you, my prayer supporters throughout my time in France. During my 2 years in France I will use this space to share experiences, blessings, praises, and prayer requests. I will also try to share pictures when possible and maybe even some videos.

I am so thankful that all of you have chosen to partner with me in this new calling for my life. I am already seeing how important your support will be. Those of you who have been praying me through this process have been such an encouragement to me. I will definitely miss all of you here at home, but I know that in spirit and through prayer you will be right there with me as a fulfill God's purpose for my life in the next 2 years.

Well, this is just a short post to welcome you. I am not sure how many more will follow until I start training in October. But please look for an update around the end of October or beginning of November.

As for now, I am already seeing the many distractions that Satan can throw in the way to get in the middle of myself and Christ. Please pray that God will give me a desire to be in His word daily and that he will clear a way through these distractions.

Also, some of these distractions can be attributed to the many things I have to accomplish before I leave. I am trying to remember that "I can do ALL things through Him who strengthens me." ~ Philippians 4:13. Pray that God would help me to manage my time and anxiety as I try to balance getting ready and life.

Finally, please begin to pray for the people of Marsielle. The city is a place where religion is not seen in a positive light and the students are not open to being told that Jesus Christ is THE WAY. Please pray that God would prepare the way for myself and my teammates. Pray that God would open hearts and prepare their minds for the conversations we will have. Pray that God would use us to speak to their hearts in a way that they can identify with.

Thank you prayer supporters! Your prayers are greatly needed.

"Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible love" ~ Ephesians 6:24

"Que Dieu donne sa grace a tous ceux qui aiment notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ D'un amour inalterable." ~ Ephesiens 6:24



LISA said...

YEAH! You did it, now we just need to make it pretty before you leave:) I'm praying for you chika. Love ya

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for you! It will be a lot of hard work but never doubt that the Lord Jesus Christ is with you come what may. My prayers are with you girl. love and prayers. betty

Unknown said...

Praying for you... Look out France, here comes the Holy Spirit! (through His ambassador Courtney!)

Anonymous said...

Not by might, not by power, but by MY Spirit sayeth the Lord....
Time management, humm. We all struggle with that one. If I gave advice I would say, "Don't try to fit time with God in your schedule. Start each day with Him - Reading the Word and prayer." If He is number one on your list each day, the other stuff always seems to get done.
Also, it helps to delegate when possible! Put those brothers to work for you!
You go girl. The Lundys

Unknown said...

We are very proud of you for following God's call. We love you very much and will be praying for you daily.

Unknown said...

You are a wonderful, beautiful, child, warrior of God. I will be praying for you! I will miss you!
May God protect you and guide you, in all that you do and say. You will never feel like we don't care or love you...God's got your back and your covered in prayer!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through your wonderful Grandpa Baldwyn. He shares with us via email at church. I am so proud of you and can't believe our little klutz is so grown up. I want you to know I will be praying for you. God bless you young lady.
Sandi Balmaceda

Unknown said...

Courtney, sounds like things are moving along in God's timing.

How exciting and what an adventure you are on.

Good Luck and keep us posted.

Sonny & Zeta Moore